Dear Husband–We’re in the moment

Dear Husband, Take a close look at this picture. See how I’m looking at you? Eyes wide open. Smile bursting across my face. Shoulders relaxed. Head slightly inclined toward you. That was the moment you entered my heart. How amazing it is to see the moment captured this way. It speaks of permanence. I see…

Dear Husband–Your loss is my loss

Dear Husband, I haven’t written in awhile.  I’ve thought about it here and there, but that’s about all.  I haven’t wanted to write even though I could feel the need closing in on me.  I know I should’ve written something, anything, weeks ago, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.  It made more sense…

Dear Husband–What shall we do tonight?

Dear Husband,  How many days have we been home alone without the children?  I’ve lost count, but I know it’s some sort of record.  I can’t remember the last time we’ve had so much alone time together!  I was only expecting the children to be away for a few days, but this has turned into…

Dear Husband–This Mother’s Day is Different

Dear Husband,          When you asked me about Mother’s Day early last month, I remember thinking that this year would offer new opportunities.  There’s only about an hour between my mom and us, assuming you can avoid Atlanta’s horrific traffic, and your mom has finally left New York behind and is settling into her place…

Dear Husband–Love & Legacy

Dear Husband,              Today’s church sermon resonated with me.  The message was simple and clear—we should share our experiences and knowledge gained from successes and failures with others, especially those who come behind us.  I immediately thought of our children.  I liked that the message emphasized the significance of our failures.  Successes make wonderful stories,…

Dear Husband–A New Place

Dear Husband,              While you and the children were away visiting your father for the weekend, I followed my own advice and took myself out on a date.  I had dinner on Saturday evening at one of our favorite restaurants.  Guess which one?              If you’re wondering what I wore (and I know you are),…

Dear Husband–Code Word

Dear Husband,              When I dropped everything at work today to call and tell you my face was turning red, and I was worried that this was yet another allergic reaction, insect bite, or some other condition that could result in swelling, bumps, and possible permanent scarring, I didn’t hear a whole lot of concern…