Coping with loss

I’m going to do something that’s very difficult and uncomfortable for me. I’m going to try to write about the kind of change that I really don’t want to write about or even think about. I tried to do it before, but it felt like I was peeking around the corner with just one eye…

Change is in the air

Change is in the air, and I’m not just saying this because we’re finally thawing out and spring has returned. Although warming up to 70 and 80 degree temperatures is the kind of change I’ve been looking forward to for weeks. I’m talking about change that’s closer to home, intimate, and unique to you. I’m…

Alone on Christmas?

Yesterday, I was feeling a real lack of Christmas spirit in my city, but I had a change of heart by the time I reached my parent’s home, which is about an hour north of where I live.  I made a stop at a grocery store in town.  My parents live way out in the…

Silver Bells

I’ve been on holiday since Friday.  So I really should be all smiles, especially since I’ve been watching holiday movies and listening to holiday music almost every waking moment.  I can’t get those holiday tunes out of my head.  Seriously, my singing and humming have become the soundtrack for family life around here.  Mundane activities…

It’s unofficial, but it counts

Let’s flip the calendar back to Sunday, November 24th, which was the last day I posted about my Nanowrimo 2013 status.  At the time of my post at sunrise on the 24th, my word count was 40009.  I was confident that I could reach the 50K goal by the November 30th deadline, even as I…

Birthday letter to self

Dear Me, 1:25 am.  It’s almost your birthday.  According to your mother, she was asleep because her doctor gave her a shot to ease the induced labor pains she was having.  Yes, her labor was artificially induced.  Yes, you were essentially forced to come here before you were ready.  Stop asking your mother to explain…

Nano reality on Day 22

I wish I could report that everything completely turned around for me during the past three days.  Okay, so everything did completely turn around for me during the past three days, but the turnaround took me in the wrong direction.  I didn’t even realize I was truly burnt out until my nearly nonexistent word count…

Not packed yet

It’s exactly 8:00 pm as I begin to write this post.  It’s also supposed to be family holiday movie time right now, but I’m running behind schedule.  I just crossed my daily word count target, and I can’t stop yet.  I’ve already missed one day of blogging this month.  I need to get this done!…

Decisions Decisions

Yesterday was not the best writing day for me, but that was so, so long ago that it no longer matters.  It’s 8:44 pm here, and you’ll need a rearview mirror to see when I drove past today’s daily word count.  The road ahead is smooth, flat, and open.  I can coast to my next…

Holiday Song of the Week (Revisited)

Remember yesterday’s saga at the doctor’s office?  Well thankfully today wasn’t a repeat experience.  I was very calm and very quiet during the whole two hours of eye tests this morning, but it was hard to ignore my hunger and incredible need to actually see.  The waiting time between tests was prime writing time, but…