Alone on Christmas?

Yesterday, I was feeling a real lack of Christmas spirit in my city, but I had a change of heart by the time I reached my parent’s home, which is about an hour north of where I live.  I made a stop at a grocery store in town.  My parents live way out in the…

The Joy of Holiday Music

Last year I shared how I began a personal tradition of celebrating the holidays on October 1st each year.  Just for the record, the holiday’s are still on this year.  I remained true to my personal tradition by switching to holiday music right on schedule, as planned, on October 1, 2013. As I shared a…

Don’t tell my husband and the kids…

Shhh! It’s a secret. I was supposed to work until at least 3 pm. I even mentioned something about wanting to be picked up from work to my husband, but I think he was asleep when I left this morning.  So he won’t remember. It’s Friday. I sat in meetings all morning.  Then spent forever…

Online Dating: How Two Became One

A few months ago, I shared my personal story about why I initially tried online dating and what the process was like for me.  I shared how not making my photo available upfront resulted in frequent rejections early in the process and how I used eHarmony’s guided communication process to my advantage.  As a result,…

What I’m Reading Now: 8 Books

The Power of Habit:  Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.  Since I’m in the process of changing a few habits this year, it seems wise to attempt to gain some deeper understanding of what habits are, how they are formed, and how to change them.  How else will I achieve my…

It’s the Winter Solstice…Ready for 2013?

Happy Winter Solstice! Since about 5:30am this morning, I’ve been tossing and turning.  Thoughts slid and tumbled   over one another as they pushed their way to the surface of my mind.  I felt compelled to open my eyes and focus on the coming year. It’s nearly three hours later.  I haven’t had breakfast.  I’m not…

The Real Online Dating Experience Series: Female Case Study #2 (Interview #3)

First, click here to find out everything you need to know about this series. Then, read the previous interviews to catch-up. Previous Interviews:  Male Case Study 1: Interview #1 (Introduction), Female Case Study 1: Interview #1 (Introduction), Male Case Study 2: Interview #1 (Introduction),  Female Case Study 2:  Interview #1 (Introduction), Male Case Study 1:…