My Snow Story

Now that the sun has returned and reminded me that winter won’t last forever, I feel so much better.  The last two weeks have been tough for those of us who live in southern states like Georgia.  If you’re like me, until recently, you could count the number of times you’ve felt temperatures in the…

Sunrise on Day 24

A flight A taxi ride A hotel Five hours of sleep Sunrise on Day 24 So many words to write before I edit

It’s the Winter Solstice…Ready for 2013?

Happy Winter Solstice! Since about 5:30am this morning, I’ve been tossing and turning.  Thoughts slid and tumbled   over one another as they pushed their way to the surface of my mind.  I felt compelled to open my eyes and focus on the coming year. It’s nearly three hours later.  I haven’t had breakfast.  I’m not…

Holiday Song of the Day

It’s hard to believe that just four weeks ago, I was sailing across the ocean on a seven day cruise to the Caribbean for Thanksgiving.  Since my return, I’ve celebrated my birthday, decorated my home for Christmas, and finished my last working day of the year.  In the middle of all of this, I experienced…

Holiday Song of the Week

I’ve been caught up with doctor appointments, end-of-year tasks at work, and my usual daily routine lately.  Admittedly, I’ve been showing signs of burnout.  Still, at the strangest times, this little melody has been finding its way to me.  A few notes hummed just loud enough for me to hear while going about my business…

Holiday Season on My Mind

It’s Friday morning, which means it’s already a wonderful day. I’m off work and that makes it even   better.   I need the break.   I’m supposed to be upstairs right now getting ready to leave for a weekend getaway.   We’re celebrating something special.  I can hear the family stirring around. In just a few minutes I’ll…

2 Big Lessons Learned on Mother’s Birthday

Remember the fabulous time I had a little over a week ago when I went to the theatre with my mother and a close friend to see “What I Learned in Paris” by Pearl Cleage?  I haven’t changed my mind about the play.  I’m still glad that I saw it, but I had no idea…

Dear Night Guard, Am I Stressed?

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was remove my brand new night guard from my mouth.  Last night was the first time I used it.  Oh joy.  It was my parting gift from the dentist after my root canal yesterday.  I have brushed, flossed, picked, and gargled at least twice…