Holiday Blues

We’re already three weeks into the new year, and I haven’t even begun to get on with the few things I need to focus on this year.  It’s not that I’ve been sitting around doing nothing, but I haven’t exactly been making a serious effort to tackle my to-do list for 2014.   Instead, I…

Cat Hat Train

You’ve heard of Dr. Seuss’ the Cat in the Hat, right?  Well, this morning I saw the cat as a hat on the train.  I did.  Really.  Just moments before it happened, my eyes were barely open.  I’d already swept the train a few times looking for suspicious activity.  All seemed normal.  So I made…

It’s an adventure

Yesterday wasn’t the best writing day for me.  It was the first day that I didn’t make the daily word count, and it was the first day I didn’t publish a blog post.  I was up well past 12 midnight trying to make something happen, but it was no good. I remember eventually dragging myself…

Day 12–I need help

11:12 pm.  I need help.  I really do.  Does anyone have any suggestions for staying awake when you’re running out of steam? 11:22 pm.  “Okay, I have to say that I was taken aback by what happened. I thought the long johns.   What? Oh my, did I just type that?  What do long johns…

Stepping into conflict

Last night I closed my eyes more times than I’m willing to admit while attempting to reach my goal of 10K words for the NaNoWriMo marathon, which took place yesterday.  10K was scaled back to 3K for a whole lot of reasons that I don’t feel I should revisit today.  There’s nothing to be gained…

Day 9–Almost asleep at the keyboard

Writing by the glow of the computer backlight and twinkling christmas tree are enough to let me know that it’s about over for me today.  What can I say, I’m tired.  I admit that I wasn’t as focused as I should’ve been.  The first mistake was leaving the house.   I was gone for several…

Day 7 is a bust…worst writing ever

It’s 11:48 pm.  Should I write about how I tried to do a good deed and ended up fighting with a parking ticket machine for 30 minutes this morning?  I would, but I don’t have enough time to draft the whole story, and it wouldn’t do to share half a story.  11:50 pm.  Today is…

Foot Stuck in a Boot

I like when the time changes at this time of the year.  I feel like I’m getting a little something extra simply by setting my clock back an hour.  But what’s the big deal really?  It’s just one hour, right?  What can happen in one itty bitty little hour? Let me share a true story…

Looking for the soy nog, again

It was cold and raining when I dragged myself out of bed on Friday morning.  It was November 1st, just yesterday in fact.  I had to get ready for an 8:00 am appointment to discuss qualifications and premiums for long term care insurance.  So I needed to be on time and be prepared to make…

A Dream Deferred

Why am I in love with the movie, Sparkle?  I think this is my third time watching it on the movie channel in the past week.  Maybe it’s because the music and the story make me want to dig out my demo tape from 1997.  The one with two complete songs and about half of…